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How to Install Ubuntu Linux on VirtualBox on Windows 10.

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Download ubuntu for virtualbox windows 10.How to Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox? Here’s the Full Guide [MiniTool Tips] 



Download ubuntu for virtualbox windows 10. Download Ubuntu Desktop

  One can install Ubuntu on their computer machines, or virtualization tools can be used to access Ubuntu's features. You have two ways to get access to. After installing VB and its extensions for Windows 10 Pro, I downloaded Ubuntu Desktop ISO file and mounted it on the created VDI. On Mac OS or Windows you can download VirtualBox from the downloads page here. This page also includes instructions to download VirtualBox for Linux.  

How To Install Ubuntu On Windows 10 Using VirtualBox


A virtual machine is a virtual system or program that offers the same features as physical machines eg, a computer system with its own CPU, memory, network interfaces, and storage capacity. A virtual machine like a real device is used to run applications or OS. Step 1. First, download the latest version of VirtualBox for Windows. Click Windows Hosts and the download will begin automatically. Step 2. Step 3. Oracle VM VirtualBox 6. Step 4. Step 6. Click Yes and then click the Install button to start the installation process.

Linux is also an operating system as is Windows or Mac OS. Linux is the Unix-like operating systems open-source family. Ubuntu has some benefits: its affordable, open-source, entirely customizable, safer, and command-line oriented feature I believe this is the most appealing feature.

Ubuntu is a Debian based Linux free and open-source distribution. You can download it straight to your internal hard drive. Click the Download button next to the ubuntu Type a name for your virtual machine with its location.

On the following screen, choose how much RAM the amount of memory you want to allocate to your VM, and then click Next.

The default recommendation is MB , which is enough to run most installers. Heavier code or applications might require at least 1 GB, though. You can always change this later in Settings. On the next screen, if you want a faster setup, select Dynamically allocated. If you want faster performance which we recommend , select Fixed size , and then click Next.

A new window opens so you can do this manually. Click the folder with the green up arrow. Your VM will now boot into a live version of Ubuntu. Choose your language and select Install Ubuntu. Note : If you select Try Ubuntu , you can run the installer later by double-clicking Install Ubuntu on the desktop.

You are using the virtual disk space of GB that we created in the previous steps. Set up your user account and select Continue. You are almost done. It may take minutes to complete the installation. Once the installation finishes, click Restart Now to restart the virtual system. If you faced any kind of problem feel free to contact us in the comment section below. We are professional How-to content writers. As a tech enthusiast and geek, we love to write and share articles about different operating systems such as Android, Windows, macOS, iOS, and some other products like a smartwatch and smart TV.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The two options are well expalined but we shall go for the default, which is, Dynamically allocated so that VirtualBox will allocate space for the hard disk as it contains more and more files; this storage space is only limited by the hard disk size we shall specify in the next step.

Click Next. The Ubuntu system requirements recommend 25GB though. Click Create. Phase 3: Configure Settings for the Virtual Machine. On the left side of the window, select the virtual machine i. Ubuntu OS then click on the Settings button. Then still on the right pane, to the extreme right under Attributes , click the CD icon and from the menu that appears, select Choose Virtual Optical Disk File…. Browse to the downloaded file ubuntu Click OK to close the Settings dialog window.

The virtual machine is now ready to start. Phase 4: Install Ubuntu on the Virtual Machine. With the Ubuntu OS virtual machine selected, click Start. After the few minutes it takes Ubuntu to load, you should see the screen below.

Click Install Ubuntu. Select your keyboard layout or accept the defaults and click Continue. Use the default options Normal installation then with the Download updates while installing Ubuntu checkbox checked, click Continue. Accept the default option Erase disk and install Ubuntu , then click Install Now. You will be prompted with a warning that the changes will be written to disk. Click Continue. Select your timezone e. Lagos and click Continue. Enter a your name, computer name, username and password, then click Continue.

The Ubuntu installation will take several minutes to complete, so you will have to wait a bit. After the installation is finished you will be prompted to restart the VM. Click Restart Now. When the VM reboots you will see the message depicted by the image below:. If all went well the VM should boot to the Ubuntu login screen. Select your user and enter the password to login. Phase 5: Check for Updates and Install them.

With your Ubuntu VM running, observe the vertical taskbar shown on the left of the screen, the last icon is a square pattern made up of nine 9 dots; this is called the Apps Button. Click on it. Then in the Search field that appears, type updater and hit Enter. When the Software Updater app is shown, double-click on it to run it. If there are any updates you should see the dialog shown below.

Click the Install Now button and then enter your password if prompted for it. You will have to wait a bit for the updates to install. When the updates are done installing you will be prompted to restart the VM. Phase 6: Modify Display Settings. Ensure the Ubuntu VM is not running. This implies that you have to shut down if it is. Phase 7: Install Guest Additions.

Notice that when the VM boots up that on maximising the VM window, the display of the Ubuntu desktop does not scale to fill the screen. Before we proceed we need to ensure that our Ubuntu installation is up to date. Once the updates are finished, restart Ubuntu using the command below. You may need to enter your password if prompted for it.



Linux_Downloads – Oracle VM VirtualBox.


Then, refer to this tutorial. Adjust the size and location of the target partition by moving the handle in the prompted window. A good Internet connection is also vital for installing Ubuntu on VirtualBox.

This section will show you how to install Ubuntu on Windows 10 using VirtualBox. As the whole process is complicated, we divide the whole process into 5 parts. Now, check them one by one. You can start the Ubuntu VirtualBox installation operation by downloading and installing Ubuntu.

Here are steps for that. Step 1: Move to the official website of Ubuntu and click Download button to start downloading. As VirtualBox is not a built-in program on the computer, you need to download and install it manually. Click here to move to the website. After entering this page, click Download VirtualBox button. Step 2: Click on the file you just downloaded and then you will get the following window.

Click Next to go on. Step 5: Once you click the Install button, the program will be installed automatically.

When the VirtualBox download and installation processes end, you should set up a virtual machine via VirtualBox. After completing the steps above, you will be prompted with the following window. Follow these steps to set up a virtual machine now. Step 2: In the elevated window, type Ubuntu in the Name section. Choose Linux as the Type and Ubuntu bit as the Version.

Then, click Next. Step 3: At this window, set the memory size. Generally speaking, the memory size will be set at an ideal value. If not, you need to set it by yourself. You can refer to the recommended size. Step 5: You need to choose a hard disk file type in this window. This hard disk serves as the hard disk of the virtual Linux system that stores files in this system.

Step 6: If you are prompted with the window for choosing storage on physical hard disk, click Next directly. Either to choose Dynamically allocated or Fixed size is ok. In the File location and size window, you can configure the size or follow the default size. Then click Create to start creating. Step 1: Double click the Ubuntu option in the left pane. Then a menu will open by itself.

Step 2: In the prompted window, click the icon at the right bottom of the window. If you have any doubts, or if you encounter any issues, please feel free to ask your questions in the comment box below. Also a movie buff with a soft corner for film noir. Thanks for the tutorial. Any advice? Much appreciated. As I specifically mentioned, it is safe when you are dealing with the virtual machine.

For the Linux you are installing, the full disk means the virtual disk you created for it in the previous steps. It seems like it tries to use the ISO image. Great tutorial, thanks.

Thanks, gl. Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. You can also use some other computer with an internet connection to download these files. Windows system with at least 12 GB of free space. It can work with less RAM as well, but your system will start to lag while using Linux in the virtual machine. Like what you read? Please share it with others. Policies Affiliate Policy Privacy Policy.

Close dialog. Session expired Please log in again. Now, click on the folder icon and then click on the "Add" button. Then, select your Ubuntu ISO file. Click on the "Start" button to proceed. To resolve this above error, use the following command in Command Prompt Admin , "dism. After removing this error, your Ubuntu installation will be ready to start on your VirtualBox. Step 3 Now, click on the "Install Ubuntu" button to proceed. Step 4 Select your desired "keyboard layout" and click on the "Continue" button to proceed.

Step 5 Use the default option as "Normal Installation" with the "Download updates while installing Ubuntu" and click on the "Continue" button. Step 6 Select the default option as the "Erase disk and Install Ubuntu" and click on the "Install Now" option to proceed. Step 7 A warning prompt will appear on the screen and click on the "Continue" button to ignore this warning. Step 8 Choose your time zone on the map and click Continue.

Step 9 Now, set your user account here by filling the necessary details and click on the "Continue" button to proceed. Now, the installation process will begin. Step 10 Now, restart your system by clicking on the "Restart Now" option. If you want to share files between Ubuntu and Windows 10, read my next article, in which I discuss the topic, " How to share files between Ubuntu and Windows 10 " in detail. I hope you enjoyed this article. Follow C Corner to learn more new and amazing things about Windows Thanks for reading!

View All. Onkar Sharma Updated date Jul 03, The first thing for this tutorial that you need to know is what an operating system is. Before downloading and installing Ubuntu on windows 10 using VirtualBox, the following requirements are essential. To download the latest version of VirtualBox, visit the official VirtualBox website in your web browser. Navigate the folder where you have downloaded your VirtualBox and double-click on the downloaded "VirtualBox" file to run it.

Choose the location where you want to install the VirtualBox and click on the "Next" button to proceed. To download the latest version of Ubuntu, i.

By clicking on the "Download" button, you can download the latest version of Ubuntu, i. Choose a name for your virtual machine with its location.

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